The abstract of the paper "On multidimensional inverse scattering in an external electric field asymptotically zero in time"

By Tadayoshi Adachi, Tatsuya Kamada, Masayuki Kazuno and Keisuke Toratani
Inverse Problems 27 (2011), 065006.

Based on the Enss-Weder time-dependent method, we study one of multidimensional inverse scattering problems for quantum systems in an external electric field asymptotically zero in time as $E_0(1+|t|)^{-\mu}$ with $0<\mu<1$, where $E_0$ is a non-zero constant electric field. We show that when the space dimension is greater than or equal to two, the high velocity limit of the scattering operator determines uniquely the short-range potential like $|x|^{-\gamma}$ with $\gamma>1/(2-\mu)$. Moreover, we prove that the high velocity limit of any one of the Dollard-type modified scattering operators determines uniquely the total potential.

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